And seeing how I can play Ultraman on it while cleaning its region-free and it works perfectly!
I started yesterday by removing my morphers. Because the cabinet I used for them needed to be free for the new TV
Suddenly this new closet seems pretty full...
I placed the display box that once housed my morphers on the closet and then I put my SHF´s in it for safety.
I did a Hand-Held head count.
Don't worry though. They are all save and I have now placed them a bit better.
I also fixed my other figures. ESPECIALLY Moka. The stand for this bootleg is reversed. So I had to cut the peg down a bit so It fits in the other end. And now she can stand the way she's supposed to! yay~
I do need to do allot more though, But I'd rather do it slow then doing a crappy job. After this I still need to clean the floor and give my left wall a good anti-fungi scrubbing. Amongst many many other things.
Funny to note that yesterday it was cold and warm. Dutch weather was toying with us. First sun!
Then snow!
Then sun again!
Yep some one up there is pretty confused or drunk! Dutch weather at its best lol
Any way I had to quit because of dinner. Also the neighbour was home and he sounded pissed again, Slamming doors and shit. So I just had to make dinner to avoid his emo-talk about work. He's allowed to do so. But I want to hear non of it through this very thin wall. So I'll continue cleaning tomorrow :)